Never underestimate how agonizing the existential crisis is that inevitably comes upon any person confronting a lifetime, or several years or decades at least, of indoctrination that tells them, over and over and over again:
1) They will never have to experience death!
2) They are among the awesomely priveleged members of a chosen, clean, and righteous group of people, who have been imparted special, exclusive knowledge from a supernatural source. And everyone else in the world is going to die a horrible, inglorious death at Armageddon, which is going to happen any day now!!!!
3) There is something severely, SATANICALLY wrong with them if they doubt anything that comes from the FDS.
Yes, the WTS has got things to where they can say just about anything without risk of losing the earnest believers, if for no other reason than it is an incredible mental hurdle for a person to honestly realize, admit, accept that they're JUST A CHUMP WHO'S GONNA DIE, LIKE EVERYONE ELSE, and that a good portion, if not all of their lives has been spent in a fantasy world.
And for the non-earnest JW's, meh, they barely pay attention anyway. And for the power players, it's all good - whatever tactic works to keep the rickety old ship afloat.